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목록오피니언 (77)
남미의 어느 해변의 브랑코씨
CPAC 2022: US conservatives show little interest in Ukraine Anthony Zurcher North America reporter @awzurcheron Twitter If the four-day event that concluded in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday night was any indication, the conservative base of the party is much more interested in the upcoming congressional mid-term elections in November and defeating Democrats than they are about Russia's invasion of..
테니스 역사상 이런 해프닝은 처음 일 것이다. 코로나 시대를 살아가는 우리는 새롭고 생소한 상황들이 연쇄 다발적으로 우리 삶에 들어오는 것을 거의 2년간 쳐다 보고 있다. 내가 관심있는 스포츠라 이번 해프닝에 좀더 관심이 가기도 한다. 조코비치는 현재 세계랭킹 1위에 올라있는 가장 몸값이 높은 테니스 선수이며 금번 1월 17일에 열리는 호주오픈(AO)의 흥행을 보장해줄 탑랭크된 선수들 중의 한 명이다. 귀한 몸 대접을 받아야 할 조코비치는 1월8일 현재 불법체류자 신세가 되어 공항 근처의 열악하기로 악명이 높은 한 호텔에 격리되어 있다. 이 호텔은 쥐와 벌레가 출몰하는 것은 일반적이고 냄새나고 곰팡이 냄새나는 방과 침대도 있으며, 가끔 제공되는 식사에 곰팡이로 데코레이션 되어 있는 적도 있었다고 한다. ..
China has condemned a planned US diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing and threatened to retaliate. Foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said China would take "resolute countermeasures", but did not give further details. On Monday, the US said it would not send diplomats to Beijing over concerns about China's human rights record. It added that US athletes could go and would..

*원문 China’s state media seizes on Kyle Rittenhouse divisions as signs of American decline Chinese state media have seized on polarisation in the United States over the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict as a sign of “decline” and “disintegration” of American democracy and governance. Fierce debates about race, gun rights, and self-defence erupted in the US after a court in the state of Wisconsin on Friday..

Peng Shuai: Doubt cast on email from Chinese tennis star Published3 hours ago Share The head of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) has cast doubt on an email released by Chinese state media attributed to tennis player Peng Shuai. The tennis star has not been heard from since she made sexual assault allegations against a top Chinese government official two weeks ago. In the email, Ms Peng purpo..

*주요내용 Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks at a meeting commemorating the 110th anniversary of Xinhai Revolution at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China October 9, 2021. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins//File Photo - 시진핑은 왜 COP26에 참석하지 않은걸까? China's top climate negotiator said on Tuesday a broad deal on carbon markets was possible at the U.N. COP26 climate talks despite the tensions betwee..

주요내용 Francois Devaux, head of a victims' association, welcomed the release of the damning report Some 216,000 children - mostly boys - have been sexually abused by clergy in the French Catholic Church since 1950, a damning new inquiry has found. The head of the inquiry said there were at least 2,900-3,200 abusers, and accused the Church of showing a "cruel indifference towards the victims". 프랑소와..

주요내용 Former President Donald Trump in a scathing memo criticizing President Joe Biden on Monday said another 20,000 Haitian immigrants were staged in Colombia preparing to make their trek to the U.S.-Mexico border, the “laughingstock of the globe.” 트럼프가 2만명의 추가 아이티 불법이민자들이 콜럼비아에서 미국국경을 올 준비를 하고 있다며 바이든을 비판하였다. “Just eight months ago, the whole world knew that if you illegally violated America’s ..