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쿠오모도 발목이 잡혔다 (NYT) 본문


쿠오모도 발목이 잡혔다 (NYT)

Tigre Branco 2021. 8. 4. 22:03


Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, whose meticulously managed public appearances during the pandemic turned him into one of his party’s most celebrated national figures, is confronting an existential threat to his political career following a searing report released Tuesday that said he had sexually harassed 11 women and violated federal and state law. Unless Mr. Cuomo resigns, the most immediate consequences of that report will be determined in large part by the State Assembly, which has opened an impeachment inquiry. A trial in the State Senate could begin as soon as late September or early October. Cuomo has reached the most vulnerable moment of his decades in public life — a moment that is poised to reshape the landscape of political power in New York. Most significantly, President Biden — a longtime friend of Mr. Cuomo’s — and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has long been close with the Cuomo family, for the first time on Tuesday urged him to step aside. Mr. Cuomo has prevailed under difficult circumstances before, and it was unclear how his overtures would resonate with voters.


쿠오모 주지사는 팬데믹 동안 민주당에서 가장 인기있는 인물중 하나로 자리 매김할 수 있더록 세밀하게 관리를 해왔지만, 화요일에 발표된 뜨거운 이슈가 된 보고서 를 통해 가장 큰 정치적 위기를 격고 있다. 쿠오모가 11명의 여성을 성희롱한 것 그리고 연방 및 주법을 위반한 것과 관련해 사임하지 않으면 주의회에서 이미 발의된 탄핵 요구에 의해 즉각적인 결과를 초래하게 될 것이다. 쿠오모는 수십년 동안의 정치 인생을 통해 가장 큰 어려운 시기를 맞고 있다. 이는 뉴욕 주의 정치 지형을 바꾸어 놓을 것으로 보인다. 가장 의미있는 상황은 바이든 대통령은 쿠오모의 오랜 친구이지만, 또 코오모의 가족과 가까이 해왔던 하원의장 낸시패로시와 함께 화요일 처음 그의 사임을 요구했다. 쿠오모는 어려운 상황속에서 재기하여 왔으며, 그의 재기가 유권자들에게 어떤 반향을 일으킬 것은 불분명한 상황이었다. 


*단어 표현

savvy political operator 정통한 정치 운영자 (정치가) 
shrewd instincts 예리한 본능
domineering chief executive 포악한 행정가
meticulously managed public appearances 세심하게 연출된 공개 석상
confronting an existential threat 실질적 위헙에 직면하는
Over the span of just a few hours 몇시간에 걸쳐
the support of a cascade of allies 끊임없이 많은 동맹들의 지원
In the meantime 한동안
cajole, browbeat 부축이고, 위협하다
core Cuomo constituencies 쿠오모의 핵심 선거구
construct a counternarrative that elided key discoveries 주요한 발견들을 생략한 반대적인 서술을 구성하다.
Mr. Cuomo and his aides retaliated against a woman 한 여성에게 보복한 쿠오모와 그 측근
later came under scrutiny 나중에 조사를 받다
 will not be distracted from that job 그 일로부터 어수선해지지 않을 것이다. 
are likely to reach a fever pitch. 불붙는 경기장 (과열되는 상황)이 될 것 같다.
race had been skittish 레이스는 경솔했다.

Under Fire and Alone, Cuomo Fights for His Political Life

The governor once again defied calls to resign, including from President Biden. But his future remains in doubt.


For years he was the savvy political operator, rising through his party’s ranks on the strength of shrewd instincts, careful calculations and a famous last name. Then he was the domineering chief executive with a flourishing national brand and an iron grip on power in New York.

Now, he is alone.


Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, whose meticulously managed public appearances during the pandemic turned him into one of his party’s most celebrated national figures, is confronting an existential threat to his political career following a searing report released Tuesday that said he had sexually harassed 11 women and violated federal and state law.

Over the span of just a few hours, an already-diminished governor lost the support of a cascade of allies and state and national party leaders who had been withholding judgment, throwing his ability to remain in office — much less win a fourth term — into doubt.

It is not yet clear how the public will react to the investigation released by the New York State attorney general’s office. Unless Mr. Cuomo resigns, the most immediate consequences of that report will be determined in large part by the State Assembly, which has opened an impeachment inquiry and where, Speaker Carl E. Heastie said, “It is abundantly clear to me that the governor has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office.”

Events could move swiftly: A person familiar with the process said it could take just a month to complete the inquiry and draw up the articles of impeachment. A trial in the State Senate could begin as soon as late September or early October.

In the meantime, it is plain that Mr. Cuomo, stripped of his usual abilities to cajole, browbeat or intimidate fellow politicians, and abandoned by supporters in New York and Washington, has reached the most vulnerable moment of his decades in public life — a moment that is poised to reshape the landscape of political power in New York.

Lawmakers who had previously been fearful of publicly criticizing Mr. Cuomo, aware of his capacity for retribution, are now calling for his resignation. Elected officials who represent core Cuomo constituencies — including Black voters and white suburban voters — have increasingly urged him to step aside. Eric Adams, the Democratic mayoral nominee whom Mr. Cuomo was eager to embrace earlier this summer, encouraged the Assembly to “move forward with impeachment proceedings if the governor will not resign,” and top labor leaders are increasingly breaking with the governor.

Most significantly, President Biden — a longtime friend of Mr. Cuomo’s — and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has long been close with the Cuomo family, for the first time on Tuesday urged him to step aside.

Still, Mr. Cuomo appeared determined to construct a counternarrative that elided key discoveries in the attorney general’s investigation and played down or outright dismissed other allegations. In an extraordinary on-camera appearance on Tuesday, Mr. Cuomo sought to connect with those voters — especially older voters — who might be sympathetic to his suggestion that many of the allegations of misconduct can be traced to “generational or cultural” differences or misunderstandings.


“I do kiss people on the hand,” Mr. Cuomo said on Tuesday. “I do embrace people. I do hug people, men and women. I do on occasion say ‘Ciao, bella.’ On occasion, I do slip and say ‘sweetheart’ or ‘darling’ or ‘honey.’”

The allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct made by 11 women went far beyond concerns around Mr. Cuomo’s language or the occasional hug. The report from the attorney general, Letitia James, included numerous allegations of unwanted and sexualized touching, a portrait of an abusive workplace and at least one instance in which Mr. Cuomo and his aides retaliated against a woman who made her allegations public.

Mr. Cuomo is also under investigation by Albany prosecutors, who said that they would request the investigative materials that the attorney general’s office had collected and urged other victims to come forward.

Mr. Cuomo said he “never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate advances.”

In a video address that included images of his hugging or otherwise caressing a list of people, including former President Bill Clinton and former Representative Charles B. Rangel, Mr. Cuomo sought to remind voters of what they had loved about him and skipped over some new allegations of wrongdoing.

He said he learned gestures intended to “convey warmth” from his “mother and from my father,” pausing before invoking his father, Gov. Mario M. Cuomo. He lingered over his record on combating Covid, seeking to conjure the early days of his briefings as the virus swept the state and he was widely regarded as a steadying force (a reputation that later came under scrutiny).

And his team released its own lengthy report that showed images of other prominent politicians and even presidents hugging people, in an apparent effort to show that such behavior was routine for elected officials. The featured images often occurred under vastly different circumstances than those outlined in the report, but they seemed of a piece with the Cuomo team’s effort to cast the investigation as biased rather than rooted in substantiated claims of sexual harassment.

“My job is not about me, my job is about you,” Mr. Cuomo said. “What matters to me at the end of the day is getting the most done I can for you. And that is what I do every day, and I will not be distracted from that job.”

Mr. Cuomo has prevailed under difficult circumstances before, and it was unclear how his overtures would resonate with voters.

But he will not be returning to business as usual.

The quiet conversations that have been unfolding about who could challenge him for the governorship next year — or whether the seat might become unexpectedly open — are likely to reach a fever pitch.

Many Democrats hope Ms. James runs, though she has not said she will. The New York City public advocate, Jumaane D. Williams, has indicated that he is considering a run for governor, according to people who have spoken with him, and the floodgates could open to many other names. As recently as Monday, a number of Democrats thinking about that race had been skittish about Mr. Cuomo’s huge war chest and reputation as a ruthless campaigner.




